With the pressures of modern life, and the daily stresses, headaches, including migraines, are becoming increasingly common. Stemming from a variety of causes, it is important to address these with a doctor if they continue over time. Fortunately, there are several home-remedy treatments that can help alleviate the pain, and this article focuses specifically on those.
You are what you eat
As you know, I am a big fan of this school of thought and believe that wherever possible we should be making changes to the diet to improve our overall health. Some foods have been shown to have an affect on frequency and severity of headache and migraine pain. Each and every person is different, so it can be beneficial to keep a headache diary, to help you track the foods that trigger a migraine. Some common perpetrators include:
- dairy
- chocolate
- peanut butter
- avocado
- banana
- citrus
- onions
- meats with nitrates: bacon, hot dogs
- foods containing tyramine, an amino acid found in red wine
- pickles
- caffeine
Foods which assist
As always, there are some foods which help to relieve symptoms dues to their nutrient content.
Buckwheat is rich in flavonoids, which are phytochemicals derived from plants. Rich in antioxidants, this seed can help alleviate symptoms by contributing to an anti-inflammatory diet.
Flaxseed is another known reducer of inflammation due to its impressive Omega-3 quotient. This can be taken either by adding cold pressed oil to the diet of adding the seeds themselves to salads. Other good sources of Omega-3s include nuts seeds and oily fish.
Antioxidant foods include a range of fruit and vegetables: most notably pomegranates and blueberries can help alleviate symptoms, but it’s essential to test all foods by keeping a food diary.
Home Remedies
In addition to carefully considering your diet, there are a few remedies which help to bring a migraine into check.
Whether inhaled or applied topically, lavender is a soothing and relaxing scent. Lavender can be applied neat to the temples and massaged. Try adding two to four drops to boiling water and breath in through a vaporizer or over a steaming bowl.
Peppermint Oil
A soothing home remedy that has been shown to benefit tension headaches, peppermint oils smells fresh and helps control blood flow by encouraging open and close blood vessels. Excellent for sinus related headaches, peppermint can be applied topically with a carrier oil or inhaled through a diffuser.
Basil Oil
Oil derived from basil plants is an effective muscle relaxant; so it is particularly helpful for headaches caused by tension and tight muscles. Inhaled through a vaporizer or head over steaming bowl of water, this remedy soothes and relaxes.
Commonly used as an herbal headache treatment, feverfew rose to popularity in the 80s when 70% or participants reported reduced symptoms after taking feverfew.
A popular relaxant, taking an infusion of chamomile in tea helps to relax, which in turn can alleviate tension headaches and soothe migraine symptoms.
Lifestyle choices
Reduce Stress
Helping you to relax and unwind, gentle yoga can alleviate tension headaches and help you to stay in control of sleeping habits. Other ways to relax include meditation and massage, taking herbal teas and gentle exercise.
If you’re interested: Stress Management.
Research conducted in Brazil demonstrated that massaging the greater occipital nerve reduces migraine discomfort. This can be located at the back of the head, at the base of the skull. Additionally, massaging the temples and scalp can help to alleviate symptoms, particularly when used with one of the oils mentioned above.
Acupressure massage or reflexology can also be beneficial, as it relaxes the whole body and targets the pain areas.