Good Belly Bad Belly teaches you how to improve your health while also decreasing your risk of obesity simply by taking care of yourself from within. Instead of telling you what to eat, how to eat it, when to work out and for how long, this system has an entirely unique approach. However, once you start reading through the chapters, you’ll wonder why this isn’t at the forefront of every health and fitness program out there. Good Belly Bad Belly makes sense. As you learn how the toxins in the world contribute to your health, gut flora and risk of obesity, you’ll wonder why more people don’t focus on this topic. But let’s not dwell on what other people are doing. Let’s appreciate that someone is finally talking about the internal factors that contribute to your health, such as the toxins, chemicals and preservatives found in food, in the environment, and in many more places you may not even know about.
What is Good Belly Bad Belly Program About?
Good Belly Bad Belly is likely the easiest health and diet program you’ll ever come across. However, don’t let that fool you. The entire system is easy because it makes sense. There’s no other way to say it.
It’s no secret that the bacteria, toxins, chemicals, preservatives and all of that other nonsense largely contribute to all of the problems in today’s modern world. So, this program narrows in on this topic. It tells you everything you need to know about what’s really going on in your gut, diet and life, it also shows you the simple steps you can take to fix your gut flora while also decreasing your risk of obesity. As a result, weight loss naturally follows.
About the Author of Good Belly Bad Belly Program
Brad Pilon is the creator behind the program and if you know who he is, this makes sense. He is a highly renowned man within the health and nutrition industry for his unique and scientific approach to all of his programs. Brad has studied nutrition in school and has since become an expert in his field but what truly separates him from all the rest is that everything he tells you is supported by scientific evidence. He doesn’t just tell you what to do and why, but rather, he shows you.
Overview of the Good Belly Bad Belly Program
To put it simply, it is a comprehensive system that teaches you how toxins are affecting your health. Throughout the program, which you receive immediate access to as soon as you make the purchase, you receive an abundance of information that will blow you away. Then, it finishes off with an entire chapter dedicated to teaching you the steps to eliminating the effects and danger caused by toxins in your food, air, lifestyle, etc.
Here’s a list of the chapters found within the program, so you can have a better understanding of its value.
- Introduction
If you’re like me, you likely skip over the introduction chapter but I highly recommend against doing just that for this program. In this short chapter, you’ll get a thorough breakdown of the foundation that makes up the entire system – bacteria.
- Gut Bacteria
There are several different kinds of bacteria in your gut – some bad and some not. It’s crucial to maintain a healthy balance that combats the bad bacteria so the good ones can prevail. I like how the program says, “A healthy gut is a gut that is full of good microorganisms acting like a fermentation tank inside of your body. It’s constantly orchestrating complicated chemical reactions with the foods you eat that your body simply cannot do on its own.”
- Gut Bacteria and your Health
The basic make up of every humans’ gut bacteria is fairly similar, there are some main differences that vary from person to person, culture to culture. This is important to know so you can tailor the program to suit your specific lifestyle.
- When Bacteria Go Bad
Learn about the building blocks for your body that circulates out the bad bacteria.
- Hyperpermeability and Endotoxins
All I have to say for this chapter is, “A leaky gut has also long been linked to ulcers, inflammatory bowel disease, chronic liver disease and promotion of certain types of cancer. “
- It Might Not Be Your Diet’s Fault
Determine if there are other factors that contribute to your risk of obesity.
- The Antibiotic Weight Gain Connection
Antibiotics are actually quite harmful to your body, especially when you realize that they’re in more things than your latest prescription.
- Antibiotics are Everywhere
Discover the different avenues in your life where harmful antibiotics can be found.
- From Air to Gut
Discover the different ways the environment affects your healthy gut flora.
- Mending a Broken Gut
Learn what to do to start mending a bad gut.
- Reducing Endotoxins
Once you’ve started mending your broken gut, you can implement these steps to further reduce the toxins in your lifestyle. This will help you maintain a healthy gut flora moving forward.
- Combating Inflammation
Inflammation is a common problem associated with a poor gut flora (Hello, bloating). This chapter teaches you what you can do to combat it.
- Resistant Starches
A little side chapter about the differences between starches and sugars, and what they’re really doing to your body.
- Conclusion
Alas, the best chapter of all! This is where you’ll find all the steps you need to improve your health, gut flora, and ultimately, decrease your risk of weight gain and obesity.
It’s important to mention that this program is only one step to achieving optimal health – possibly even the most important. However, it isn’t going to solve all of your problems – most of them, yes – but not all of them. You can put every step into action but if you’re still sitting on a couch eating oven baked, no preservative chips, you’re not going to receive the results you want. So, take the information learned and infuse the steps into your life as a lifestyle change, as opposed to a diet to receive maximum results.
Eliminating the bad bacteria in your gut isn’t a one-time thing. It’s something you want to do continuously moving forward to increase your health. So, start today with the Good Belly Bad Belly Program. If you decide that you like having bad bacteria in your system (yeah right), then you can opt for the 60 Day Money Back Guarantee.