The Penis Enlargement Remedy is a book targeted towards any man who feels that his penis just isn’t big enough and wishes there was a way that he could enlarge it.
Many men wonder if their penis is too small. It is something that doctors are asked all of the time. Some might think that as long as your penis works, that’s all that matters. But it’s not as simple as that. Penis size is a huge element in a man’s self image and approximately 45% of men wish they had a bigger penis.
A penis that is too small is not something that a man discovers when he is an adult, it is something that is caused by genetic or hormone abnormalities. Certain factors that interfere with hormone production and hormone action will stunt your penis growth.
It’s hard to open up your email or surf the web these days without finding out about all of the ways that you can enlarge your penis. It’s hard to tell which is spam and which is legitimate. The Penis Enlargement Remedy promises to help to achieve a larger penis – but does it really work? Let’s take a closer look at this program and see what it has to offer.
What is Penis Enlargement Remedy About?
Have you ever stolen a glance at the penises of the other men in the changing room at the gym and felt woefully inadequate? When you realise that you have a smaller than average penis, this can make you feel insecure and like less of a man. You might even feel like you want to hide your penis from other men in the locker room or the toilet, so that they don’t laugh or judge you. It can make you embarrassed in your sex life and just less confident in general.
Also, it may have lead to some less than satisfying sexual experiences. You might find that you are never able to make a woman orgasm from penetrative sex, because your penis is simply not big enough. This can also really bring down your self esteem.
You might be thinking that penis size is something that you can’t change – you just have to accept it for what it is. However, this is not the case. This program claims that you can take control of your penis size and actually change it, making it much bigger and more satisfying for your partner.
Who is the Author of Penis Enlargement Remedy?
The author of this book is a man named Tom Candow. There isn’t a lot of information available about him online, but here is a little bit about him:
- He is an accomplished author, sex educator, researcher and consultant.
- He has a lot of experience in the field of dealing with male sexual issues and dysfunctions as well as helping men to achieve larger penises without the need for surgery or harmful drugs.
- He has created this ebook as a way for every man to learn about what he needs to know to naturally increase his penis size.
- He wanted to create a solution that would be healthy and natural and would not involve taking dangerous pills or subjecting your penis to risky surgery.
Summary of Penis Enlargement Remedy
So what does this program consist of? Here is what you can expect when you download the Penis Enlargement Remedy.
- First of all, the main program consists of a combination of pelvic floor muscles, jelqing and stretching. These are natural exercises with step by step detailed instructions that will show you how to do them safely and effectively.
- You will also receive instructions for a daily exercise regime that you can follow with 6 weeks of programs.
- The program also includes information on what to do about premature ejaculation, correcting a penis with a curve in it and erectile dysfunction.
- You will also receive some extra sex guides that will help you to improve your confidence and performance in the bedroom.
- All of the techniques and methods within this program are entirely natural, so you won’t have to worry about dangerous side effects.
- When you purchase the program, you will also be enrolled in the customer support program. You will be able to raise customer support tickets and receive replies instantly, so if you need help at any time you will be able to ask questions and receive more information.
Benefits of Penis Enlargement Remedy
Of course, the main benefit of this program is the fact that it will enlarge your penis – giving you a much bigger member that you can feel confident about. However, that’s not the only benefit that this program promises. It also claims to:
- Give you more confidence in bed so that you will feel better about your sexual performance.
- Offer you tips and techniques for dealing with premature ejaculation so that sex doesn’t end too quickly for you.
- Give you natural solutions to deal with erectile dysfunction, another common issue in males.
- Give you plenty of other natural sexual health techniques and methods that you can apply to your lifestyle, so that you can dramatically improve your sex life.
Are you curious about this program? Are you willing to give it a try to see if it can make a difference in the size of your penis? The Penis Enlargement Remedy promises a lot, but it might not work for every man. The only way to see whether or not it will work for you is to give it a try. The good news is, there is no risk involved in doing so. The program comes with a money back guarantee, so you can purchase it and try it out for yourself. If it doesn’t work for you, all you have to do is ask for your money back. This means that there really is no reason not to try the penis enlargement techniques within this program. They might be the secret to unlocking a larger penis that you will feel more confident about.